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  • Service dog helps Colonel fight the battles back home

    With a stern voice but a heart of gold, U.S. Air Force Col. Adam Roberts, the 555th Red Horse Squadron commander, practices resiliency each day alongside his best friend and service dog, Porsche, a loveable labradoodle with golden brown fur resembling the look and feel of a stuffed animal.

  • AF crowns Readiness Challenge VIII winners, plans FOC event in 2023

    TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. — Following a more than 20-year competition hiatus, the Air Force civil engineering community crowned winners of the Air Force Civil Engineer Readiness Challenge April 22, 2022. Surrounded by a crowd of more than 400 civil engineers — competitors, cadre and team

  • Reserve RED HORSE Squadrons team up for construction project

    Four Reserve RED HORSE squadrons combined forces at Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina this summer to help keep their skills sharp between deployments while building a storage building for the 560th RED HORSE Squadron. Members of the 556th RHS from Hurlburt Field, Florida, 555th RHS from Nellis

  • 622nd Airmen vital in EOD warehouse construction in Guam

    Engineers from the 622nd Civil Engineer Group, Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Georgia, deployed for five months and played a key role in the design and construction management plans for a new explosive ordnance disposal warehouse at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam.The new $915,000 facility was built to