Maj. Gen. Healy visits 403rd Wing
Maj. Gen. John Healy, 22nd Air Force commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Imelda Johnson, 22nd AF command chief master sergeant, received a briefing on the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron mission on the WC-130J Super Hercules by Maj. Jarod Hamblin, 53rd WRS pilot, and Senior Master Sgt. Joseph Latham, 53rd WRS loadmaster, during a visit to the 403rd Wing, June 4-5, 2021. The visit coincided with the 403rd Wing's change of command, in which Healy presided over the ceremony where Col. Stuart M. Rubio took command from Col. Jeffrey A. Van Dootingh, June 5. (U.S. Air Force photo by Jessica L. Kendziorek)