22nd Air Force commander, AFRC command chief visit YARS during December UTA

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Jim Brock
  • 910th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Santa Claus wasn’t the only visitor to the 910th Airlift Wing during the December UTA. 22nd Air Force Commander Maj. Gen. Stayce D. Harris and Air Force Reserve Command Chief Master Sgt. Cameron B. Kirksey met with Air Force Reservists to address concerns for members of the 910th.

General Harris met with group commanders and first sergeants and addressed the entire Wing during Commander’s Call.

“This is part of my unit visits to all the Wings,” said Harris. “What has a special place in my heart though are our special missions like spray, hurricane hunters and fire fighters, because these missions specifically help those in our homeland.”

General Harris toured the aerial spray maintenance facility and a specially-modified aerial spray C-130H Hercules aircraft. Weather conditions cancelled a proposed spray demonstration, but aircrew members gave Harris a detailed briefing on inflight operations during a typical C-130 spray mission.

“It’s phenomenal to learn so much more about the mission and how we at 22nd Air Force can advocate more for this specific spray mission here at Youngstown,” said Harris.

Chief Kirksey met with members of the 910th enlisted councils, first sergeants and chief master sergeants during his visit. The Chief addressed questions from all enlisted members ranging from Enlisted Performance Reports (EPRs) and manning issues to the future of the flying mission at the 910th.

“A typical unit visit involves hearing the concerns of our Airmen up close and personal,” said Kirksey. “As with all unit visits, we got the candid feedback we needed and have a vector to take back to the command.”

Kirksey visited many units including the 76th Aerial Port Squadron and Aerial Spray Flight and attended the morning briefing and shift change for the 910th Security Forces Squadron. He also attended the retirement of 910th Airlift Wing Command Chief Steven Larwood.

“The unit visits also help me to come out and see the health and welfare of the fleet, and to congratulate our men and women for what they do on a part time basis and a volunteer basis,” said Kirksey.

22nd Air Force Command Chief Master Sergeant Michael F. Thorpe also visited with Airmen during the weekend.