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  • FTG promotes fitness with new initiative

    This past March, after nearly a year of delays due to COVID-19, the U.S. Air Force announced that physical fitness testing would resume July 1. To help upcoming testers focus and get themselves back into a fitness mindset, the 413th Flight Test Group started a fitness initiative for members to take

  • 413th ASTS administers COVID-19 vaccines

    The 413th Aeromedical Staging Squadron administered their first batch of coronavirus vaccines to members of Team Robins Saturday, March 6, during the squadron’s unit training assembly (UTA).Of the 100 doses they received from the 78th Medical Group, Robins’ host military treatment facility, the

  • AF monitors Zika, infected mosquitoes could hit US this summer

    As the threat of infected mosquitoes reaching the U.S. climbs, the Air Force continues to closely monitor the emergence of Zika virus infections to help inform and protect Airmen and their families. The World Health Organization declared Feb. 1 that the Zika virus is a public health emergency of