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  • Dobbins hosts flight commander course

    Members of the 94th Airlift Wing participated in the base’s first three-day flight commanders’ course during the December drill weekend. Course participants represented all groups in the wing and gained valuable skills to strengthen teamwork and their understanding of Dobbins.

  • Dobbins chief reaches 10,000 flight hours

    Chief Master Sgt. Terry Studstill, 700th Airlift Squadron flight engineer superintendent, completed 10,000 flight hours this past weekend on a C-130H3 Hercules bound for Key West, Florida.

  • Dobbins displays tactical airlift skills in Portugal

    U.S. Air Force Reserve ready forces were on full display as Airmen and C-130H3 aircraft assigned to the 700th Airlift Squadron, Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Georgia, deployed to Portugal to participate in Exercise Real Thaw 2019 Sept. 23-Oct. 4, 2019.Real Thaw is a Portuguese-led, large-scale joint and

  • Jolly in Jordan

    Being a cheerful person while being thousands of miles from home can be tough, but some people are born to be jolly.1st Lt. Mike Jolly has been a C-130H3 pilot for the 700th Airlift Squadron for nearly a year now, and you’d be hard pressed to catch him without a grin on his face.