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  • 403rd Wing reservist earns Levitow Award

    Tech. Sgt. Dishau JeanJacques, 36th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron resource management noncommissioned officer in charge here, earned a distinction only a small percentage of Airmen can lay claim to when, upon her graduation from the Enlisted Professional Military Education Lankford Center’s NCO

  • Hurricane Awareness Tour Returns

    Air Force Reserve 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron participated in the first Hurricane Awareness Tour since 2019. The HAT took place during National Hurricane Preparedness Week with the purpose of promoting hurricane preparedness and awareness before the 2022 hurricane season begins.

  • British Movers visit Port Dawgs

    British Royal Air Force Reserve’s 4624th Squadron, known as “Movers”, visit to 41st Aerial Port Squadron, Port Dawgs located at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, April 21-25 conduct some combined air transportation interoperability and agile combat employment training.

  • Defenders and engineers team up for 24-hour exercise

    The 910th Security Forces Squadron and 910th Civil Engineer Squadron teamed up for a 24-hour security operations exercise at Camp James A. Garfield Joint Military Training Center, Ohio, leading up to the April unit training assembly. The civil Engineers helped erect a bare base with tents,

  • Reservist chased a dream; now chases hurricanes

    Nearly three decades after the fact, U.S. Air Force 1st Lt. Amaryllis Cotto can still vividly remember Hurricane Andrew. The shrill screech of a woman screaming for her life outside.Windows breaking.Walls vibrating.Running across the street to seek shelter with neighbors as her own family’s house

  • Ultrarunning: Reservist finds strength in strides

    When the word hobby comes to mind, activities like reading or video games or knitting or fishing or baking make their way to the surface. Activities that are relaxing, yet oftentimes somewhat productive, to counter the stress of everyday life.The Oxford dictionary defines the word hobby as an

  • Exercises aren’t just PT

    Exercises for the normal base population are anywhere from one shift of work to one full week, for the planners it may take anywhere from 30 days to plan a simple exercise scenario to over a year to plan for more complex exercises.

  • 403rd Wing develops multi-capable Airmen during "Super UTA"

    On a spreadsheet akin to an unresolved game of Wordle, the 403rd Wing’s February Super Unit Training Assembly schedule was mapped out in blocks of routine appointments, briefings, and events, but it also included training geared toward supporting the Air Force’s push for multi-capable Airmen.As part