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  • Ultrarunning: Reservist finds strength in strides

    When the word hobby comes to mind, activities like reading or video games or knitting or fishing or baking make their way to the surface. Activities that are relaxing, yet oftentimes somewhat productive, to counter the stress of everyday life.The Oxford dictionary defines the word hobby as an

  • Exercises aren’t just PT

    Exercises for the normal base population are anywhere from one shift of work to one full week, for the planners it may take anywhere from 30 days to plan a simple exercise scenario to over a year to plan for more complex exercises.

  • 403rd Wing develops multi-capable Airmen during "Super UTA"

    On a spreadsheet akin to an unresolved game of Wordle, the 403rd Wing’s February Super Unit Training Assembly schedule was mapped out in blocks of routine appointments, briefings, and events, but it also included training geared toward supporting the Air Force’s push for multi-capable Airmen.As part

  • Transition Assistance Program assists Airmen, families

    As many men and women leave military service and return to civilian life, they undergo a process known as the military to civilian transition.To assist military members and their families, a program was established called the Transition Assistance Program.

  • Hurricane Hunters fly first missions of winter season

    The Air Force Reserve’s 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron “Hurricane Hunters” at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., flew a system from its time as a swath of water vapor moving over the Pacific Ocean to the wintry conditions it delivered across the United States, marking the unit’s first atmospheric

  • Hurricane Hunters wrap up 2021 season; brace for winter ops

    After a historically busy Atlantic hurricane season in 2020, the Air Force Reserve’s 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron Hurricane Hunters at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., were gifted a relative reprieve, though still an above average hurricane season this year.Today marked the end of the Atlantic

  • Hurricane Hunters testing new SATCOM capabilities

    For the Air Force Reserve's 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron Hurricane Hunters, the ability to transmit data in flight is tantamount to mission success.As one of their WC-130J Super Hercules aircraft powers through a hurricane, a loadmaster is in the back, preparing and launching dropsondes that

  • Hurricane Hunters fly Hurricane Sam

    The Air Force Reserve’s 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, better known as the Hurricane Hunters, flew their first mission into Hurricane Sam out of St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, Sept. 27.First recognized as Tropical Depression 18 Sept. 22, the National Hurricane Center began monitoring the